TRU Homes Thrill Double Wide Manufactured Home Exterior Front Angle at Atascosa Dealership
August 10, 2017

Buying a Home is Exhausting

Buying a home is exciting. It will also more than likely be one of the most stressful periods of your life.

Life can be frustrating at times. This can be multiplied when you are dealing with something that can change your life. Buying a home is a HUGE decision and will most likely be one of the most stressful and exhausting parts of your life.

I speak from experience since it was not that long ago that my wife and I went through the process of buying a new mobile home. Even though I have lived in a mobile home more than half of my life, the process of building our own was an eye opener.

For us, the shopping experience was probably our biggest point of frustration. My wife and I went to so many different shops and they were all the same. Do you have land? How much of a down payment do you have? Lets run your credit! The bank has an application fee/deposit to get numbers from them.

I couldn’t understand the interrogation. I mean this is my home we were talking about. I know it’s just a box to them but I planned on starting my marriage in this home and using this as an investment later down the line.

Things changed when we found the right man who sold me our home. I felt that he really listened and understood the pit falls of how others try to do business. We felt comfortable and never rushed or pressured to make a rash decision. That made our decision of who to work with real easy.

The next frustration was dealing with getting conditions cleared. The bank asked for reasonable things like my ID, social security card and stuff. Then they needed to talk to my employer. At the time, I worked for the state so that took longer than I wanted to for them reach my supervisor, but it finally got taken care of.

Closing was easy just a lot of signing. I can’t remember how many times I signed my name or initials. They explained everything and answered every question my wife and I had. Believe me there were a lot.

Then we just had to wait to get the home delivered. We went with a lot model due to time. We paid a little more but it wasn’t much to get our home faster. We still felt that we got the best deal even after shopping the same home with other dealers.

Once the home got there I needed to get it connected and this is where my frustration peaked. Getting the water and septic was no issue. We did it ourselves with help from family and it was really just plug and play. The electric on the other hand was a different story. I had to wait on both my electrician and the electric company to do their parts. And one could not move forward till the other did their job. I thought it would take a couple days to get taken care but ended up being a couple weeks.

At the end of the day we finally got everything taken care of and the AC was set up. We had a fully functioning home and we loved it.

The frustration came mainly from my own impatience and with things that were out of mine or the mobile home company’s control. Just like in life you are sometimes at the mercy of someone else time.

I love my mobile home and now know what to expect when I do it all over again when our family grows and we need more space. Frustration is all perspective, but if you can remember: Can I control it? Can I affect the outcome? If the answer is no then the answer is just time and hoping you picked the right company to take care of you/and your family through one of the most important financial decision of your life.

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