Aaron Gossett Housing Consultant
January 27, 2022

Meet the Team : Aaron Gossett

Meet Aaron Gossett! He currently serves our customers as one of our awesome Housing Consultants, and has been with Braustin Homes since June of 2021. Aaron has been an integral part of our team for just over seven months now, and we are so excited to share his experience thus far!

This blog is based on the interview from this video. Feel free to check it out, or read along below.

The following transcript has been lightly edited for clarity purposes.

Tell Us About Yourself.

My name is Aaron Gossett.

I am originally from Pleasanton, Texas, but I grew up in San Antonio.

I went to high school here. I have been here for, oh my gosh, 15 years!

Photo taken 1.20.22 in celebration of Braustin Homes turning 5!

How’s Your Experience Been On The Sales Team At Braustin, Any Inside Scoop?

As a sales team, we are so tightly knit.

We really look out for one another. It’s not cutthroat.

It is incredibly competitive, don’t get me wrong, but it’s not like “sleazy sales.” Knowing that that was not the case at all here, was a huge breath of fresh air.

We have nicknames… I’m not going to be the one that gives out the nicknames because I know a lot of people are going to see this.

Some are personal.

Like I said, we are all really tightly knit. My nickname is Charrón, and that’s all I’m going to say.

Featured Family: The Sirillo’s

How Would You Measure Your Success So Far At Braustin?

How I would measure success here is by the number of families that we are helping.

People are always giving us a call, saying things like, “Hey, this is the situation I’m in,” or they might be in a distressing situation as well.

They’re needing help, man!

A lot of these other companies are just not willing to give them the time of day.

If they don’t have everything perfect, if they don’t have their down payment right, if they don’t have the land, they are not going to really spend time with you.

Really, that is our job, to help anybody that comes across our way!

Oh my gosh… Just to see them to be in such a distressing situation, to go from that, to so overwhelmed and so happy – that is the measure of success for me, as cheesy as that sounds.

Do you want to be in a better living situation?

If the answer is yes, then just talk to me for a little bit. Let’s just see if we have anything that we can match you with.

If not, then that’s fine, too.

I don’t think I can help everybody, but I am going to help as many people as WANT to get help.

Image Source

Any Hobbies That You Enjoy Outside Of Work?

I like to read, honestly, and I listen to a lot of podcasts as well!

Lewis Howell, Gary V. is a really good one, David Goggins and Jocko Willink, and then Eric Thomas – ET HipHop Preacher.

Oh my gosh, man. You listen to that guy for a minute, you’ll run through any of these walls.

I don’t know if that’s a hobby, but that is definitely something that I do! More recently, I am really starting to try to work out and run a little bit. I’m at like a 10-minute mile. I would like to run a 10K. I don’t know, maybe even a half marathon in about a year.

Featured Child: Jack

Tell Us About Your Son.

I’m a single parent to my son, Jack.

He loves playing outside, anything outside. Very outdoorsy, very adventurous – like his dad.

I took Jack to the beach, and oh my gosh, he loved it!

He was all in the sand, kept trying to eat the sand, typical guy kind of stuff. Yeah, I try to eat sand all the time too. It really helps the digestive system and the immune system as well (joking).

We have a ranch, my family does, and he loves cows! Every time we go to the ranch, he goes, “Moo, moo.” Oh, he loves them.

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Thoughts On Visiting Space?

If I need survival skills, I know how to somewhat do that on Earth, but if I’m on the moon or in outer space, I’m going to be like, “HELP, Elon. Help me out here!!”

He’s not going to want to help me out. He’s going to be too busy partying and doing his own thing.

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