Braustin Homes 2022 New Year's Resolutions
December 30, 2021

What Resolutions Do Our Teammates Have In Mind For 2022?

Here we are, just a few days away from ringing in the New Year!

There’s always a sense of excitement that comes with this annual transition that gets people thinking, “what should I work towards in the upcoming year?

Sometimes I catch myself wondering, “why does it take the start of a new year to ignite motivation? Why can’t our goals come to us on a Tuesday in May, and accomplish them by a Saturday in September?”

All of that to say, I am the exact same way…

I mean who am I kidding, right?

Nearing the middle of December each year, I start to think of what’s important to me and what I’d like to change or accomplish within the next 365 days. Maybe it’s the colder weather blowing in from the North, the wrapping paper and ribbon falling from my storage closet, or my bank account whimpering after completing my chaotic holiday shopping sprees.

Or maybe, just maybe – it’s something within us, like a biological reset that craves the challenge of a new beginning?

Nah… it’s got to be the tighter jeans after that third serving of figgy pudding!

All jokes aside, this intrigue got me wondering… What’s top of mind according to my teammates? What resolutions, goals, motivations, or bucket list items have they mentally jotted down for the year 2022?

Well, these were their responses… Enjoy!

Tanner: “I don’t do New Year’s resolutions because I don’t like to let myself down.”

Alberto: “I’d like to spend more time with the family, off the grid, in nature!”

Vee: “My New Year’s resolution is – don’t be useless this year.

Chloe: “My New Year’s resolution is to save up for a new beginning!”

Jorge: “My 2022 resolution is to read at least 6 books. I would love to read a book per month, but my attention span makes that really difficult.”

Aaron: My New Year’s resolution is to buy a house in 2022!

Rahki: “One of my New Year’s resolutions is to cook more at home, and only eat out once or twice a week.”

Wynton: “1. Being more grateful, 2. Expressing my gratitude in various ways.”

Sydney: “Personally, I struggle with negative self-talk. I care endlessly for others, but forget myself every time. I hope in 2022 I can believe in myself more, trust my instincts, know that I have value in this life, and move forward with positive intentions.”

Leslie: “I don’t do New Year’s resolutions, but a goal I have for next year is to have a daily meditation regimen.”

Chris: “My New Year’s resolution is to be more mindful of my personal time to reduce stress. Also return to a better basketball form by continuing to exercise regularly.”

Elida: “My New Year’s resolution is to get my forever home and make sure to wait on having more kids! Also get my pre-babies body back. #LifeStyleChange

Jessica: “My New Year’s resolution is to try and stick to eating healthy, and go on more mini road trips with my dogs on the weekends!”

Edward: “My resolution is to watch several Charger’s playoff victories and then hopefully attend Chargers vs Rams Super Bowl at SoFi in 2022.”

Cody: “My resolution is to workout consistently throughout the year!”

Markeisha: “To start putting myself first because if you don’t take care of you – nobody else will.

Trey: “Just to eat better than I currently do.”

Reading through these responses does two things to me.

I’m swelling up with emotion realizing that some of my teammates are going through really tough times at the moment, but at the same time I’m so proud to see them each striving to do something about it.

Sometimes step one can be the hardest, and hearing that each of them have goals in mind that will challenge them enough to move beyond that step is ABSOLUTELY AMAZING to me!

So, what about you?

What are you hoping to accomplish within the year 2022, or however long it takes. No pressure, right?

While you’re thinking of your response, please enjoy a short clip looking back on 2021 here at Braustin Homes.

Happy New Year, we look forward to seeing you all in 2022!

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